Substance Abuse
Youth referred to a CMO have complicated needs, including the possibility of substance-use challenges. A CMO can assist the family by building up supports in the community, connecting the family to local substance-use resources, creating a plan that outlines strategies for success, and more.
Turn to a CMO
The misuse of illicit substances affects the whole family, not just the person using. Youth actively using drugs are at higher risk of truancy, homelessness, relationship difficulties and drug overdose. The intensity of our youths’ substance use needs often have required previous treatment and their parents or caregivers may be wondering if their child’s substance use might be best met in an out of home treatment program.
As a result of these challenges, our youth may have struggles in several different areas including family life, social relationships or legal matters.
How Can We Help?
The goal of the CMO is to provide the youth and family the needed support so the youth can be successful in their home, in their school, and in their community.
To address a youth’s substance use needs, a CMO can:
- Assist the family in building up supports in the community
- Connect the family to local substance use resources like outpatient services, NA/AA meetings or more intense forms of treatment
- Create a plan, that involves the youth and family, outlining strategies for success
- Incorporate natural and informal supports into the planning process
- Maintain positive progress over time and avoid or limit setbacks in the recovery process
The goal of the CMO is to provide the youth and family the needed support so the youth can be successful in their home, in their school, and in their community.